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Uintah County Area Agency on Aging

Provides in-home aid and case management, home delivery and congregate meals, transportation, social and recreational activities, legal services, shopping assistance, and health insurance counseling for county residents age 60 and older..


Transportation is available to those 60 and over in all areas of the county. Dial-a-Ride services can be obtained Monday-Friday by calling the Center. A fixed route has also been established in the West areas of the County. Ride requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance. An escort is available to assist elderly passengers into vehicles and public facilities. Wheel chair access is available with advance notice.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call 24 hours in advance to reserve a home pick up and return.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides a variety of recreational activities including billiard tables, card games, bingo twice weekly on Tu and F at 1 pm, dances every F evening with a live band. During the Spring and Summer months feature tours and picnic outings with box lunch provided.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Vary based on program selected
Intake Procedure:
Call, email or visit website.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides home delivered meals for eligible seniors.

Age 60 and older. Eligibility for meals will be determined by an intake worker. The definition of homebound status is the person is not able to leave the home without assistance.
Service Hours:
Available M - F
Intake Procedure:
Call for an appointment.
Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Second meals and Ensure are also available for eligible clients.
Counties Served:


Meals are nutritionally balanced which provide the RDA for older adults. Some modified diets are available with nutrition counseling by a registered Dietitian. A second meal or Ensure is also available for eligible persons.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Meal is served M - F 12 noon
Intake Procedure:
Reservations for meals are required. See Calendar on website for menu.
Suggested donation of $3.00 for those 60 years of age and older, and $3.50 for meals carried out. Meals also served to those under 60 at full $5.25 cost.
Counties Served:


Provides in-home aid and case management, home delivery and congregate meals, transportation, social and recreational activities, legal services, shopping assistance, and health insurance counseling.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 45pm
Intake Procedure:
Call, email, or visit website for more information.
No cost
Counties Served:


Services include in-home aid, home delivery and congregate meals, transportation, and social and recreational activities. Provides services in a prompt and timely manner with no need for waiting lists or delayed access.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Walk in, call, email or visit website.
Vary by program
Counties Served:


An Outreach worker is available M - F and will provide information concerning programs and services by Uintah County Aging Services to encourage seniors to participate in activities at the Center. Outreach services may include home visits, telephone calls, one-on-one contacts in the Senior Center as well as public presentations, newspaper articles, published materials and brochures available in public places within the service area.

Residents age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 5pm
Intake Procedure:
Call, email, or visit website for more information.
Counties Served:


Case Managers/Registered Nurses will assess potential clients to determine eligibility for services and arrange for individualized care. Services provided may include be personal care, homemaker assistance, adult day care, home modification, emergency response system, meals, transportation, equipment, shopping assistance, caregiver respite, and overnight respite within program guidelines. Services coordinated with other community partners to maximize support.

Residents age 60 and older
Service Hours:
Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 5 pm;
Intake Procedure:
Call, email, or visit website for more information.
No cost
Counties Served:


Shopping assistance is available to assist those who are not able to leave their homes to do their own shopping or do necessary errands. A worker will pick up shopping list and pick up supplies and deliver them back the same day.

Age 60 and older
Service Hours:
The Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call, email, or visit website for more information.
No cost
Counties Served:


Legal seminars are available for those 60 and older through Utah Legal Services and regular group seminars are held at the Golden Age Center.

Seniors 60 and older
Service Hours:
Seminar times may vary.
Intake Procedure:
Call office for dates and times of seminars.
Counties Served:


Report incidents when there are concerns about abuse or exploitation of a disabled or an older adult.

Service Hours:
The Golden Age Center: M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
No cost
Counties Served:


Information provided will cover such programs as Medicare, Medicaid, and supplemental Insurance policies. An Outreach worker will be available M - F for those who need direct assistance filling out necessary paper work to assist elderly clients in the application process for Medicaid or prescription drug benefits.

No restrictions
Service Hours:
M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Walk in or call for a home visit appointment.
No cost
Counties Served:
  • Uintah

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  • Uintah

  • Uintah

  • Uintah

  • Uintah

  • Uintah

  • Uintah

  • Uintah

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  • Uintah