Connect with 211 Utah

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When you contact 211 Utah, you’ll be connected to a highly trained 211 Information Specialist. You’ll be referred to more than 3,000 services providers offering nearly 10,000 health, social, and government services that can help with everything from housing and transportation assistance to utilities and food support.


Connect with an Information Specialist via:


Once connected, explain your circumstances and the type of help you need.


Answer a few optional questions so your Information Specialist can connect you with the right resources.

See the Questions >


Your Information Specialist will offer to directly connect you with a resource that can help with your specific needs.


Your Information Specialist will offer to follow up with you to ensure you received services and provide additional support if needed.

Questions You'll be Asked

211 Information Specialists ask a series of demographic questions to identify what services you may qualify for. Answering the demographic questions is optional and helps us better understand what resources are needed in our community. Learn what we do with the data we collect in our Privacy Policy.
  • General Questions
    • Language spoken
    • Zip code  
    • City 
    • County 
    • State 
    • Gender 
    • Age 
    • How would you identify your race or ethnicity? 
    • Does anyone in the house have a documented disability? 
    • What is your total household income? 
  • Questions About Your Housing Situation
    • How many people live in the household?
    • Are there children in the household? If so, what are their ages?
    • Is there anyone in the house over the age of 60?
    • Have you received an eviction notice?
    • Have you been impacted by COVID-19?
  • Questions About Utility Payment Assistance
    • How many people live in the household?
    • Are there children in the house? If so, what are their ages?
    • Is there anyone in the house over the age of 60?
    • Do you receive social security income or disability pay?
    • Have you received a shut-off notice?
  • Questions About Food Benefits
    • How many people live in the household?
    • Are their children in the house? If so, what are their ages?
    • Is there anyone in the house over the age of 60?
    • Do you receive SNAP benefits?
  • Questions About Healthcare
    • Do you/they have a documented disability?  
    • Do you/they have health insurance? 

Ongoing Support

Support doesn’t end after you hang up the phone or close your browser. 211 Utah can schedule follow-up calls to make sure you receive the initial support you needed and provide further assistance.

Search our Online Database

Search the state’s most comprehensive online database for services and resources that will meet your basic needs or provide support when experiencing a crisis or difficult circumstances. Our database gives you access to more than 10,000 local health and social services so you can find the support you need for your situation.
Begin a Search

Contact the 211 Utah Team

Our team of compassionate, highly trained Information Specialists, Database Curators, Disaster Specialists, and Outreach Coordinators are here to assist you in getting the help you need. Fill out the form below to get in touch with our team.
Contact Form

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