About 211 Utah
Get Connected. Get Help.
211 Utah is a partnership of social service organizations supported and run by United Way of Salt Lake, United Way of Central and Southern Utah, and United Way of Northern Utah.
The 211 team works to ensure everyone can access help with ease and dignity. That’s why our services are free, confidential, and available in multiple languages.
Connect With 211The 211 team works to ensure everyone can access help with ease and dignity. That’s why our services are free, confidential, and available in multiple languages.

Meeting real needs in real time takes teamwork
211 Utah is a collaborative service of the United Ways of Utah, comprised of a team of compassionate, highly trained Information Specialists, Database Curators, Disaster Specialists, and Outreach Coordinators. We partner with organizations across the state, which allows 211 to provide broad support that ensures timely, effective connections to health and human resources to those seeking help.
calls answered in 2021
providers listed in the database
services offered by providers
Explore Community Data with 211 Counts
The data collected from 211 calls and interactions plays a vital role in learning about our state’s health and human service needs and how to meet them. The 211 Counts dashboard provides real-time, searchable data about the number and type of services requested, while keeping personal information confidential
Explore NowProviders and Partners
211 Utah partners and service providers are part of an extensive network supporting Utahns in need. Their work doesn’t stop after supporting 211 referrals.
Many providers and partners are also in strategic partnership with us to find innovative solutions to the problems our communities face.
Learn More About Our PartnersMany providers and partners are also in strategic partnership with us to find innovative solutions to the problems our communities face.
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