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Six County Association of Governments - Manti

Provides HEAT assistance program and various other assistance programs for low-income families in the the six county region. Services include government associations, home rehabilitation loans, low-cost home rental listings, rent payment and deposit assistance, USDA rural home purchase loan program, utility service payment assistance, and a weatherization program.


Provides a list of low-cost rental listings in the six county area. Individuals will need to contact the rental companies to see if there are available spaces or to get on a waiting list.

Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call for information.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides rental deposit assistance for adult households who are eligible.

Must meet income requirements. Contact for specific eligibility requirements.
Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call to schedule an appointment.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides a forum to identify, discuss, study, and resolve area-wide planning and development concerns.

Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call for information.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides one-month rental assistance to individuals and families who are eligible. Program is only available as funding is available.

Must meet income requirements. Contact for specific eligibility requirements.
Service Hours:
M - F 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call to schedule an appointment.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides HEAT assistance program and various other assistance programs for low-income families in the the six county region. Services are limited.

Applicants who do not currently own a home, who meet USDA/Rural development loan qualifications regarding good credit allowable debts, and whose income does not exceed the county's median income.
Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Pick up application in office or call to have an application mailed.
No cost
Counties Served:


Offers individuals and families low interest loans for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing home. Also helps homeowners make home improvements, address accessibility issues, replace older housing stock, reduce overcrowding, update plumbing or electric and address any other type of housing concern.

Individuals and families on or under 80% of area median income
Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Pick up application in office or call to have an application mailed.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides low-income individuals and families energy conservation programs which will lessen the impact of the high cost of energy on their household budgets and improve household health and safety.

Individuals must own their home and be on or under 200% of the federal poverty level. Priority is given to the elderly, disabled and households with children under the age of 6.
Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call or go online to apply.
No cost
Counties Served:


Provides HEAT assistance program and various other assistance programs for low-income families in the the six county region. Services are limited.

Total household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level; the household is responsible for paying home energy costs; the household has at least one adult (18 years of age or older or emancipated); the household contains at least one US citizen or qualified non-citizen (see pages 6-7 of the HEAT Policy Manual).
Service Hours:
M - Th 8 am - 5 pm
Intake Procedure:
Call to apply.
Counties Served:
  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete

  • Sanpete